Sunday, January 30, 2011

NYC: Another Winter Wonderland!

The snow has been non-stop. I thought it was normal - per my memories. Apparently I am WRONG. This is the most snow NYC has seen in January in 86 years.

But the headlines and the news and the citizens of NYC are just done with it.

Done, I tell you.

I absolutely adore it. I know this is because I have not had to endure it year after year with no end in sight, I mean, I get it.

So, I played. What else is there to do with so much snow?

This is a snow angel I made for a friend who was "over it"

If you look hard enough, you can see the outline of the "angel" towards the bottom of the photo. Let me tell you something, trying to take a photograph in a snow thunder storm is no easy feat.

The snow raged on throughout the night, including the snow thunder. 

My backyard the following morning:

Here is Gracie Mansion and the entrance to Carl Schurz Park where I take my dog twice a day.

I happen to think this is quite pretty.

My dog about to conquer the tundra:

She's learning how to dig for a ball in the snow.
This ain't no Runyon!

When I got home that night, I took my dog back to the park and discovered a Winter Wonderland filled with snow sculptures. The citizens of NYC had been busy.

Now, this is a snow ball!

One attempt at a snowman. Sweet, no?

And there was this fellow donning a chapeau:

These are some shots from this night, and then the following morning. 

Before and after, if you will:

My dog in a snow cave. Or is it a snow artillery  holding station?
and my dog with the the snow artillery  holding station the next morning:

Then there was this guy.
I like to call him Optimistic Snowman.
He gave my dog optimism. 
She felt optimistic enough to climb him

Here is Mr Optimism the next morning;
Granted, a little worse for the wear, but who isn't after a night of someone trying to climb all over you?

Then there was someones interpretation of maybe of The Statue of Liberty? 

And here she is the next morning:

Do you see her size???
The creators of the snow creatures were not screwing around.

And then, there was this. 

This one made me stop in my tracks, and gasp:

Is it a horse?
Or a dog?

Pretty magnificent.

Again, the next morning, Mr. Dog/Horse was looking a little worse for the wear:

Not quite as regal as the night before.

But, again, I ask: Who is?

You know what's great? More snow is on the way!


Friday, January 28, 2011

Breaking the Law in Central Park

A few weeks ago my Dog and i went for a stroll in Central Park - we saw the steps to the Southern portion of the  Reservoir  (which is now called the Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis Reservoir) and  flew up the stairs to take a look at the snowy waters  when I noticed this:

Honestly, I don't think Jacqueline would have minded.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

NYC: Winter Wonderland Mania - 2011 version

For days now, the news has been filled with screaming headlines about the incoming snow storm. Hysteria abounds, yet again.

The city started salting the streets today. TO-DAY. ALL DAY. ON BARE sidewalks. On BARE NAKED street corners. Crosswalks.

Only to be swept away within minutes by the pedestrian and vehicle traffic.

Just so you know, the snow didn't begin to fall until 8:00 PM.

No one was going to tell Mayor Bloomberg EVER EVER again that the snow isn't being cleared, or that he failed at his job. Nope. This is a man that does NOT like being taken to task.

I went to the park tonight (the one next to Gracie Mansion  the official Mayoral residence which the Mayor does not live at, but still - it is a representative of all things Mayoral) and damn it, there were plows in the streets on the way there, so all you can hear is Scccccccccrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeech, scraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatch and  scraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaape  - why were the plows screeching and scraping and scratching? Oh, I don't know, maybe because there wasn't ANY snow to plow?

Once I made it to the park, there were pick up trucks with plows as well...

(Entry Way to Park: use your imagination - night time, pick up truck with plow plowing a light dusting- btw, you could've just used a Swiffer and been done at that point.)

Mind you, it was very nice to have the walkways in the park paved for just me and my dog, so thank you Mr Bloomberg. I appreciate it, I really do.

But really, can you imagine what it must be like to date the man? Oy. Call him out on one thing, and he gets all crazy and overcorrects himself for the next time until you cry Uncle.

Seriously. Just exhausting.

Oh, and one last thing: With all of the news channels focused on this Snow Storm - NOT ONE newscast mentions one VERY important issue which all women need during a snow storm, which can be summed up in two words: WATERPROOF MASCARA.

I returned from the park looking a lot like this:
and yes, it's a stock photo, why would I photograph myself looking like this?
(and a istockphoto no less - why is everything i these days? i this i that, i whatever.)

I wonder if I sent Mayor Bloomberg an e mail about this oversight would he make sure that every woman in the five boroughs receive a tube of waterproof mascara? Hmmmmm... Maybe that's why his GF has been with him so long. I'm seeing some benefits to this Mayor Bloomberg.
I like.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy Happy NEW Year!


May we all reach this age, and still be inspired to paint our faces in anticipation.
On the banks of the Ganges River in Allahabad, India.***
 Rajesh Kumar Singh/Associated Press


The pic is from The NY Times.
What? You think I went out last night looking for "interesting" moments in NYC? 
Whaddya nuts?